Gas applications Burner Testing


Synthetic combustion gas mixtures for testing and adjustment of gas appliances

Burner Manufacturing and Testing

The manufacture of gas appliances with atmospheric burners in Europe, including household appliances, e.g. cooking stoves, heaters or boilers, improves our standard of living significantly. During development, manufacturers have to test the operational performance. It needs to be ensured that the combustion process is adjusted properly in order to reach the maximum efficiency in terms of heating output and fuel consumption. Furthermore, this performance test forms the basis for the determination of the calorific value of the particular device. For this purpose, specific fuel gas mixtures with defined composition and pressure are required. The European standard EN 437 and the Dutch NTA 8837 specify the so-called “G-mixtures”. 

G-mixtures from Messer

Messer provides the required G-mixtures in order to ensure safe and efficient testing of gas burning appliances. In addition, Messer offers an extensive range of calibration gases for calibrating the exhaust gas monitoring equipment. Our extensive and long-term experience and the highly skilled employees in development, production and analytics continuously enable the fulfilment of our customers’ high quality expectations. 

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